Imagine my Surpreese

These last couple weeks have been full of surprises, some that were meant to be and some that shouldn't have been. Let me share with you some of the highlights:

Surprise One: "Did your brother tell you he's getting married in two weeks?"

Surprise Two: BYU actually succeeded in breaking a world record, and I was a part of it :)

Surprise Three: "I made you a cake. It's in your apt :)"

Surprise Four:"I was thinking we could get Thai food for dinner, go find you a gift, maybe go get ice cream, and then go country dancing"

Surprise Five: "Andrea and I chipped in to get you this"

Surprise Six: Shavonne didn't do anything for my birthday...

Surprise Seven: Happy Birthday caroling at my door.

Surprise Eight: Above surprise was Shavonne's celebration of my bday

Surprise Nine: Receiving more financial aid

Surprise 1: My brother Abe is now happily married to Jenny :) I'm super excited to have another sister-in-law and I look forward to getting to know her better.

Surprise 2: BYU now holds the record for biggest water balloon fight ever. I couldn't believe we actually did it! And it was a lot of fun. I got in the head so many times with unbroken water balloons and I had a headache the rest of the day. Nothing better than taking one for the team haha. And! You should watch it :)

Surprises 3-5 were on my birthday. Sarah Applegate was nice enough to make me a cake, my dear boyfriend took me out to dinner, around the mall, up the mountain to watch a sunset, and his place to give me pepto bismol haha. My stomach started acting up (it has been on and off, I think because I'm dehydrated) so we couldn't go country dancing which was a pity, but we went to see Iron Man 2 instead, which was also fun. Andrea and Kadi got me Sparkling White Grape Cocktail Juice since it was, after all, my 21st birthday.

Surprises 6-8 were pretty awesome. I was a little surprised when Shavonne wasn't involved in my birthday. She's always excited about celebrating her friends birthday, and I kind of am her best friend, so I assumed... But it was fine, I didn't mind so much. But on Sunday, she really really wanted me to go to watch a Disney movie at my friend's place for some reason, but I had to bake this cake for a friend and it was getting late as it was. Approx. 30 min later someone knocked on my door, and about 20 people I knew were all singing happy birthday for me. Turns out Shavonne had planned a surprise birthday for me, and I made it difficult because I wouldn't leave her apartment all day, and then I wouldn't come to my party haha. Love ya Shavonne!

Surprise 9 just an amazing blessing. Proof the Lord loves me and my family even though I'm not the brightest person in the world.

Can I just say my life is great? I'm really lucky to have the life I do.

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